Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Cleaning

Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor...
Must keep thinking, must keep thinking.
So I'm preparing for a Yard sale this saturday! Yikes. So many materials being thrown out! I can't help but think, I know I'm going to regret this! I need to get organized. (doesn't every OCD patient think the same?) So that means clean up! What no creating? I know right! Well in the midst of it all, I still do. Made some sugar cookies. baked them off this morning. Not the ones that go straight to your thighs. The ones for my upcoming Art Show @ Zinnia. They will soon become little earrings and pendants. Now to start on my tiny little collection of craft junk. (sooo tiny! hehehe)

Why you ask? Well I'm having a yard sale to make room for the stuff in my shop. I am hoping to open Art classes and workshops this summer. But first I need to downsize. Wish me luck!!

P.s. I also have an order from my Bella line for some Frida Kahlo shoes. Those are due Thursday.

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