Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Frida Kahlo Baby Shoes 'Te Amo Mucho'

You can get yourself a pair here: Visit me @ www.bellababygifts.etsy.com

Not quite done yet. I need a trip to Joanns for the bottoms. These particular shoes are size 12-24 mths so I need a skid resistant bottom. Look forward to tomorrow and they will be done!

Tomorrow planning a special trip with the girl. We are thinking the metro and some coffee. hooray I get out of the house! And it's a good thing too. I cleaned the bedroom, sorted some things for sat, put the dishes my wonderful husband did away, walked the dog, and organized all my miniatures. WHEW! And talked to my mom for 2 hours!!! All in 1 day. Now some good food that my personal chef extraordinaire AA made... Chicken soup (as I was sick for Easter) mmmm.

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