Sunday, April 25, 2010


Wow, have I been busy! ok well lets just say i have around 300 pics for you. Ya too many right!! Ok Well I will post the more important ones below. But first, things have been really hectic and although I promised you everyday it seems that is just not feasible. So I have been working hard on destroying the future location of the Art Camp. I mean reconstruction!!! Hehe!! We are taking a rotten drywall down and exposing the brick. Taking out some sinks and relocating the refrigerator. Then I am working on the upcoming show @ The South Pasadena Art & Jazz festival May 1. I have a lot of purses, cozies, and food jewelry that I'm working on. Not only am I doing pieces for that show but I am also applying them to my etsy account as well, too see if I can presell anything. Whew!! Is that it? Well no! I still teach Spanish and through that I've been working on my upcoming Summer Art Camp flyer! It's done, it looks good. I'm excited! ok. well. jees. Oh did I mention I took my on photos of my stuff for etsy!! Proud of that one. I always feel like I can't or my photos suck. So I borrowed a camera from the nieghbor RAyRAy and shot them all last night! ;) Ok here are some of my favorites!!

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